Associate Professor Anne Collett
University of Wollongong, Australia
Anne Collett is an Associate Professor in English Literatures at the University of Wollongong, Australia. She edited Kunapipi: Journal of Postcolonial Writing and Culture from 1999-2012 (issues from 1979-2012 are available at https://ro.uow.edu.au/kunapipi/ ). Anne held the professorial chair in Australian Studies at the University of Tokyo (2011/12) and the University of Copenhagen (2014/15). Her current research focuses on the intimate relationship between the material and the ephemeral, the geomorphic and the poetic. She has written extensively on postcolonial poetics, including recent work on postcolonial environmental politics in the work of Caribbean poets Olive Senior, Kamau Brathwaite and Claude McKay, Australian poet Judith Wright, and Canadian artist Emily Carr. Publications include Tracking the Literature of Tropical Weather (edited with R. McDougall and S. Thomas, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), Postcolonial Past and Present (edited with L. Dale, Rodopi/Brill, 2018), Romantic Climates (edited with O. Murphy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) and 100 Atmospheres (multi co-authored, Open Humanities Press, 2019). Email: acollett@uow.edu.au
Dr Gillian Dooley
Flinders University, Australia
Gillian Dooley is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the Department of English, having retired from Flinders University Library in May 2017. She graduated from Flinders with a PhD in English in 2001. She was the founding general editor of the Flinders Humanities Research Centre's electronic journal Transnational Literature from 2008-2018, and is founding co-editor of Writers in Conversation. She has published two monographs and several scholarly editions. Her research interests include the writers J.M. Coetzee, Iris Murdoch, V.S. Naipaul, Jane Austen, and maritime explorer Matthew Flinders. She has a particular interest in music and literature, and as a singer often organises and performs in programs of music with literary themes. She is a regular book reviewer for various journals and magazines, including Australian Book Review. She was a co-convenor of the 2018 SPACLALS conference in Parramatta. Email: gillian.dooley@flinders.edu.au
Emeritus Professor Gareth Griffiths
University of Western Australia
Email: gareth.griffiths@uwa.edu.au
Dr Felicity Hand
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Felicity Hand is senior lecturer in the English Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She teaches post-colonial literature and history and culture of Britain and the U.S. She has published articles on various Indian Ocean writers including M.G.Vassanji, Abdulrazak Gurnah, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and Lindsey Collen. She is the head of the research group Ratnakara which explores the literatures and cultures of the South West Indian Ocean. At present the group is working on life writing and the aesthetics of remembering. Felicity is also the editor of the electronic journal Indi@logs. Spanish Journal of India Studies. Email: felicity.hand@uab.cat
Associate Professor Chris Prentice
University of Otago, New Zealand
Chris Prentice teaches and researches in postcolonial literatures at the University of Otago. Her research has focused on mobilisations of culture in Indigenous decolonization struggles in settler (post)colonial societies. More recently she has been working on ecopolitics and disaster, as well as postcolonial memory. She is a co-editor of Cultural Transformations: Perspectives on Translocation in a Global Age (Rodopi, 2010), and has published in many postcolonial literary journals. She has co-edited special journal issues and is on the editorial advisory boards of Sites: Journal of Social Anthropology and Culture Studies, Antipodes and the Journal of New Zealand Literature as well as publisher advisory boards of Brill and Otago University Press. She has been a judge for the Commonwealth Writers Prize, and was Chair of ACLALS 2016–2019. Email: chris.prentice@otago.ac.nz
Priyanka Shivadas
University of New South Wales
Ms. Priyanka Shivadas is a PhD candidate at the University of New South Wales Canberra, located at the Australian Defence Force Academy. Her current research focuses on Global Indigenous Literary Studies. She has published “The Bone People of New Zealand: Identity Politics in the South Pacific” in Homogeneity in Heterogeneity: Memory, Culture, and Resistance in Aboriginal Literatures from Around the World, edited by KBS Krishna and Hem Raj Bansal (Authorspress, 2018) and “The Practice of Public Apology: Australia Says Sorry to the Stolen Generations” in The Culture of Dissenting Memory: Truth Commissions in the Global South, edited by Veronique Tadjo (Routledge, 2019). For her LinkedIn profile, please click this URL. Email: p.shivadas@student.adfa.edu.au
Associate Professor Victoria Kuttainen
James Cook University
Associate Professor Victoria Kuttainen is based at James Cook University in North Queensland, Australia. Her monographs include Unsettling Stories: Settler Postcolonialism and the Short Story Composite (Cambridge Scholars Press 2010) and (with Susann Liebich and Sarah Galletly) The Transported Imagination: Australian Interwar Magazines and the Geographical Imaginaries of Colonial Modernity. Born in the UK and raised in Canada, she moved to Austrailan in 2003 to study with the postcolonial research group at the University of Queensland after her BA Hons and MA at the University of British Columbia and PhD coursework at the University of Alberta in Canada.
Dr Nadia Rhook
University of Western Australia
Nadia Rhook is a white settler historian and poet, currently lecturing in History and Indigenous Studies at the University of Western Australia, on Whadjuk boodja. She’s published widely on linguistic and medical histories of Asian migrant settlers in colonial and ‘white’ Australia, an co-convenes the Perth branch of the Asian Australian Studies Research Network. Nadia’s poetry appears in journals including Cordite, Mascara Literary Review, The Enchanting Versus, Authora Australis, and Westerly. Her first poetry collection is 'boots' (UWA Publishing, 2020).
Dr Dashiell Moore
University of Sydney
Dr. Dashiell Moore is an early career researcher and educational designer with the Learning Hub at the University of Sydney. His PhD draws on literary studies, Indigenous studies, postcolonial and comparative literature, and received the Dame Leonie Kramer Prize in Australian Poetry for the best dissertation on Australian poetry in 2021. Dashiell has received awards based on his teaching in these fields, winning the Dean's Citation for Excellence in Tutorials with Distinction in 2019. He has published scholarly journal articles in ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature and the Environment, Textual Practice, The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, and The Journal of Postcolonial Writing. His current research focuses on the structural opposition of roots and rootlessness in Aboriginal Australian and Caribbean literature.