1. Name The name of the Association shall be the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies [SPACLALS].
2. Objectives Subject always to Article 12, the objectives of the Association shall be to encourage and stimulate the writing and reading of Commonwealth literatures and study and research into Commonwealth literatures and languages and related fields. The Association shall concern itself with
(i) the publication of information relating to the study and teaching of Commonwealth literatures and languages and the nature and location of source materials;
(ii) the holding of conferences at appropriate intervals;
(iii) the facilitating of travel and exchange for members wishing to study and teach Commonwealth literatures and languages.
3. Affiliation The Association shall be affiliated as a regional association with the Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies [ACLALS].
4. Membership Membership of the Association shall be open to people interested in Commonwealth literatures and languages.
5. Subscriptions The annual subscription shall be such as may be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may determine different rates of subscription for different categories of membership.
6. Executive Committee and Officers The executive business of the Association shall be dispatched by a Committee consisting of the Chairman, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer, and two other members. A triennial postal ballot of all members shall be conducted to elect the office-holders and other members of the Executive Committee.
7. Honorary Treasurer and Auditors It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep proper and sufficient accounts and to produce an annual statement for circulation to members which shall be audited by two persons not being members of the Executive Committee.
8. Advisory Board There shall be an Advisory Board of the Association, which shall consist of one representative from each country of the South Pacific region in which members of the Association live, except that the country in which the Executive Council is situated at the time need not be represented on the Advisory Board. A triennial postal ballot of all members shall be conducted to elect the members of the Advisory Board.
9. Amendments Subject always to Article 12, these Articles may be amended, repealed, altered, or added to by a majority vote of the members. Two months' notice of any change in the Articles must be given.
10. Power to Make Rules The Executive Committee may from time to time make Rules not inconsistent with these Articles for the carrying into effect of the several provisions, intentions, and objectives of the Articles, and generally for the management and good government of the Association, and may by Rule rescind or amend any Rule or any part of a Rule.
11. Dissolution If the Executive Committee decides at any time that it is advisable to dissolve the Association, it shall seek confirmation by a simple majority vote of the members of the Association. In the event of the Committee's decision being confirmed, the Committee shall, again subject to Article 12, have power to dispose of any assets held by or in the name of the Association after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities.
12. Charitable Intent Notwithstanding anything contained in or implied by these Articles, it is hereby declared that the Association is established and exists for charitable purposes only and that in no circumstances shall any funds or assets of the Association be applied towards non-charitable purposes.